EM Certified Products



Switzerland / Agriculture, Apiculture, Environment

Bienen-FIT is a liquid product to regulate digestion in a natural way, support the vitality and promote the plaster reflex of the bees.

  • ・The constituent bacteria reach the digestive tract.
  • ・The beehives are more active and stronger. Parasites and other are better tolerated. The boxes are kept clean by the bees.
  • ・When spraying the beehives, the bees are quiet and the liquid is licked off immediately. The bees get better through the winter.
  • ・Each time you open the boxes spray Bienen•FIT over the bees and honeycomb (Spray it on honeycomb with three pumps).
  • ・Spray Bienen•FIT on the flight boards at each visit and before capturing bee swarms: Dilute Bienen•FIT 1:10 with water. The bees are more smoothly.
  • ・Spray honeycomb and equipment before use with Bienen•FIT, diluted 1:10 with water.
  • ・Add 30 ml Bienen•FIT in 5 L sugar water.

EM Schweiz AG


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