EM Certified Products

EMIKO® PetCare Bio Bokashi

EMIKO® PetCare Bio Bokashi

Germany / Animal/Husbandry

EMIKO® PetCare Bio Bokashi consists of a high-quality, fermented mixture of grains and herbs.
During the fermentation process, natural microorganisms produce valuable metabolic products: Vitamins, trace minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and antioxidants. Together with EM Effective Microorganisms, these substances can have a positive influence on the entire organism and play an active role directly in the digestive system. In contrast to many industrially produced feeds and feed supplements, all nutrients and active ingredients contained are present in their natural form and optimally available for the organism.
By treating the digestive tract, additional metabolic functions can often be regulated and harmonized. If the intestinal flora is stable, the receptors in the bowel walls will be populated with positive microorganisms, which will take away any source of life from disease-causing (pathogenic) germs and therefore their chance to penetrate the organism. Particularly the general health of older, weaker, and convalescent animals can be noticeably improved.
Through ideal feed conversion, animals that are poor converters can gain weight. The course is set for a shiny coat, robust claws, and radiant vitality.

EMIKO® PetCare Bio Bokashi is also particularly suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches/cats, as well as young and old animals.

EMIKO® PetCare Bio Bokashi

EMIKO Handelsgesellschaft mbH


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