EM News

Latest News

  • Agrotech 2016 Exhibition
    Agrotech 2016 Exhibition

    Held from 18th to 20th March this year, Agrotech is the biggest exhibition agricultural event in Poland and Central Europe....

  • EM Introduced in a TV Channel in Croatia

    The TV show called "The Gardener", in Croatia has been broadcasted with an introduction of how to use EM....

  • First Short Video of Pro EM・1 Released
    First Short Video of Pro EM・1 Released

    Our partner in USA, Teraganix, has released a short video for their probiotic product Pro EM・1....

  • EM Users from China Visited EMRO
    EM Users from China Visited EMRO

    EM users, mainly fruit farmers, from China visited EM Research Organization, to learn the best way to apply EM Technology in cultivation of fruits....

  • EM Partners Meeting for Eastern Europe
    EM Partners Meeting for Eastern Europe

    Twenty one partners from Germany, Swistzerland, Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Turkey, Eslovenia, Moldova, Czech republic, Estonia, Croatia and representatives from EM Research Organization Headquarters in Japan and EMRO Germany, gathered in Janowiec, Poland to take part in the EM Producer and EM Partners in Eastern Europe Meeting....