EM News
Latest News
- APNAN International Workshop
The APNAN (Asia Pacific Natural Agriculture Network) International Workshop held in Thailand from February 23th to 26th....
- EM Grown Corn Test in Kenya
In 2003 a joint project of NGO groups like African Children Education Fund (ACEF), Kenyan government and EM Research Organization, launched a long-term clean up project called Kibera Slum Environment Improvement Project. ...
- EM Activities in Sri Lanka
These are the views of the University of Peradeniya where they are continuously applying EM Technology in animal husbandry and agriculture....
- EM Hotel in Malaysia
The Hotel RICHBALIZ in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is applying EM Technology fully in their walls painting, cleaning all the facility and recycling the kitchen garbage. ...
- EM Agriton Turkey in Growtech Eurasia 2014
The 14th International Greenhouse, Agricultural Equipment and Technologies Fair, "Growtech Eurasia 2014" held in Antalya on December 3rd-6th 2014....