Case Studies

Outstanding Cost Reduction in Waste Water Treatment

Orange Walk Town, Belize
Water Treatment
Outstanding Cost Reduction in Waste Water Treatment


Belize Sugar Industries Ltd. (BSI) has been producing sugar in Orange Walk town, Belize  since 1967.
Since they process approximately 1.3 million tons of sugarcane per year, they have been searching for a sustainable solution to manage their waste water. 
Further, they wanted to reduce cost since they were applying an aeration system that consumed vast amounts of electricity.


EM holdings tanks
EM holdings tanks
Activated EM・1 (AEM) is prepared on site to be used within the waste water coming from the sugar processing plant.
They activate EM・1 and apply it once a week.


They had problems with bad odors caused by hydrogen sulfide and ammonia gases within the waste water treatment ponds as well as pollution problems that kill fish and aquatic life in nearby rivers.
They also faced problems in control COD and BOD in effluents.


Pond 1 (inlet) after  five months of applying EM
Pond 1 (inlet) after five months of applying EM
After applying EM Technology for one year here are their successful results:

1. Complete odor control 
2. Marked reduction in housefly population
3. Complete elimination of air pumps and hence elimination of maintenance cost
4. Significant reduction in labour cost associated with pond management
5. Increase avian population around the treatment pond area
6. Reduce of time in treatment labour operations
7. COD, BOD, sludge and other physical and chemical parameter improved in waste water effluents
Wastewater treatment Pond before EM
Wastewater treatment Pond before EM
Wastewater treatment Pond after five months of EM application
Wastewater treatment Pond after five months of EM application
Management Cost Comparative Table (Belize $)

Reduction of 50% after EM Application
(Updated on July, 2018)


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